My experience is not an NDE but memories of past lives and a future life.

When I was a young child of about 5 years of age I had two “dreams” about past lives. I say “dreams” because they occurred while I was sleeping but were more like memories. I have also had numerous similar “dreams” as an adult which, again, seem to be more like memories.

The longest and most detailed past life memory I had as a child was of my death in my former life. The memory begins with me as an adult male standing in what appears to be a warehouse with 3 or 4 other men. The time and place seemed to be in the United States during the 1920s or 1930s, based on how we are dressed (in suits and hats) and the somewhat disorganized state of crates and materials stacked in piles in the warehouse.

I, along with one of the other men, are being held at gunpoint (a long rifle or machine gun) and have our hands up in the air. One of the gunmen says, “Don’t move.” I have a muscular twitch in my right arm that causes it to jerk. At that moment there is a single gunshot and I am immediately high above the scene looking down. I see one body (me) lying on the ground with two of the gunmen bending over me. One of them says, “Is he dead?” This is where the memory stops.

The second memory is of a life further back in time, I do not know how far back but it seems to be in the 1700s or 1800s in Europe, probably Central Europe. I am a young teenage male, probably 13 or 14 years old. The surroundings appear to be a farming village since I see a wooden cart being pulled by a single ox led by a man along a dirt path. I and the man leading the ox are dressed in shabby, brown clothes of the type you would expect peasants to wear. It is a beautiful sunny day with a bright blue sky and a light breeze blowing. But what impresses me is how everything is dirty and dusty. This is where the memory stops.

I had no further “dreams” as a child. I never thought too much about these experiences and they did not alter or affect me in any emotional, spiritual or other way. But I always remembered them.

As an adult of about 50 years of age (I am now 69) I began having past life (and what I believe are future life) memories. They always occur while I am sleeping and I awake immediately after having them. After the first few occurrences I began the practice of recording them in writing. They are always short snippets of life activities, some of which evoke strong emotions. They pertain to my latest past life (the one in which I see myself shot and dying), not my further-back life in Europe. I believe some are occurrences in my future life because of the context and details of what I experience. I do not want to erroneously report actual dreams so I err on the side of caution and do not include an experience as a past/future life episode unless I am very sure that it is.

I indicated who I thought I was in my past life, but I would like to describe in more detail who I am in my current life and what I have come to formulate about my past and future lives. In my current life I am a very unemotional and analytical person. For the first 45 years of my life I was an atheist but I have converted to Christianity (my atheistic beliefs stemmed from difficulty believing in God due to my scientific way of thinking). Also in my current life I have hundreds, if not thousands, of business associates and acquaintances, but I do not have any people who I consider close friends. Since my previous life was relatively short and probably dangerous, I believe I will live to be quite old in this life (I have no serious health issues and lead a quiet “safe” life).

I also believe my future life will be filled with numerous close friends as all of my future memories seem to revolve around those relationships. From what I can tell of my future life, I will be a heterosexual male who is either the product of bi-racial parents (Black/White) or am involved with a biracial female.