The International Association for Near-Death Studies, its Board, conference organizers, and volunteers disclaim all liability for any action or occurrence associated with the Workshops and Healing Sessions at the Conference.
Disclaimer of Endorsement:
Reference herein to any specific commercial products, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise, does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the International Association for Near-Death Studies.
The views and opinions of presenters at Workshops, presentations or Healing Sessions expressed herein or at the Conference do not necessarily state or reflect those of the International Association for Near-Death Studies, and shall not be used for advertising or endorsement purposes.
IANDS Policy:
IANDS’ purpose is to promote responsible, multi-disciplinary exploration of near-death and similar experiences. IANDS is impartial and open to the presentation of varying points of view. While all personal beliefs are respected, IANDS does not support proselytizing or promoting personal religious beliefs.