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  • Fact Sheet:Terminal Lucidity (TL)

    Written by: Norman Klaunig, MA, MBA, PhD Student, University of the Cumberlands

    (Download a PDF version)

    Terminal lucidity (TL) is a type of end-of-life experience (ELE) characterized by the “sudden return of mental clarity shortly before death”(Nahm, 2009).

    What forms does TL take?

    TL can take various forms..

    TL implies that the person experiencing it (TL experiencer  [TLEr]) was, prior to the experience, either non-lucid or had limited ability to communicate, move, or otherwise indicate their lucidity. Such limitation in communication or movement could have resulted from a long-term, if not life-long, condition or might have developed as part of a more recent illness leading toward death.

    TL often occurs close to the time of physical death. Even  though the exact timeframe is under debate, TLErs often  die within hours to a few weeks of the TL—which is  why this phenomenon is termed “terminal.”  

    TLErs sometimes display abilities that they never had previously or that they had lost for a long time. A TLEr  who did not have one or more of the following functions  before the TL event might gain or regain them during the  event: 

    • Communicate meaningfully, including the ability to  speak or speak more clearly and/or to write, draw, or  use sign language 
    • Recognize people, and indicate that recognition or  connection verbally and/or non-verbally 
    • Express an understanding of their circumstances—in  many cases, including awareness of their impending  death  
    • Perform physical tasks such as holding hands, sitting  or getting up, and even walking 
    • Sing or play a musical instrument 

Explore the Extraordinary