2010 IANDS Conference

Preliminary Program as of 8/19/2010


The following speakers and topics are tentative and subject to change.
Click here to see the preliminary conference schedule.


Keynote Speakers


Pim van Lommel, MD

Non-local Consciousness: A new concept on the continuity of our consciousness based on recent scientific research on near-death experiences in survivors of cardiac arrest.

Jane Katra, PhD

The Amplitude of Illumination:

The Emergence of Energy Consciousness Through NDErs

Maggie Callanan, RN, CRNH

Final Journeys ... Final Gifts




NDE Aftereffects – Thursday, Sept 2

Haynes, Jessica

Death and Back, the Ultimate Journey

Tapper, Viva - PhD

Living Up to the Light: An Invitation

NDErs Panel A – Friday, Sept 3

Benefiel, Zen (Bruce)

The Messy Antics Complex: Mayhem to Practical Mystic

Storey, Lynn – PhD

Archetypal Motifs in NDEs

Vander Linden. Guy

NDE and Grief

Mysteries & Traditions – Friday, Sept 3 (now a 1-hour talk featuring Scott Olsen)

Olsen, Scott - PhD

NDEs and Initiation into the Mysteries

Research – Saturday, Sept 4

Bhamidipati, Sastry – PhD

Experiences of Profound Non-ordinary States akin to Near Death Experiences in Pranahuti Aided Meditation (PAM) and Consciousness Transformations

Bheemaiah, Anil K

The NDE of Drowning: a theoretical and experimental investigation into the NDE of revived drowning cases

Ellis, Ann – PhD

Seven Mysteries of Profound Love

Jorgensen, Rene

Parallels between the NDE and Religion/Spirituality

NDErs Panel B – Saturday, Sept 4

Panelists – to be announced

(selected NDErs – usually first-time speaking in a conference setting)





Arnette, Kenneth – PhD

The Science of Spirit: An Introduction to the Theory of Essence

Atwater, PMH - LHD

NDEs as Consciousness Breakthrough: The Next Step

Becker, Ralph – PhD

NDEs and Cultural Struggle

Bugaj, Ron - MS, MA

Modern Day Sacred Initiation into the Ancient Western Mystery Traditions in the Great Pyramid of Egypt

Campbell, Judith - RN / Holden, Janice - EdD

NDEs: A Nurse’s Personal and Professional Perspective

Caplan, Robert / Corcoran, Diane - PhD

“LOVE” our true identity, purpose and meaning for being human

Clark, Nancy - PhD

Demystifying Death

Coppes, Christophor (Bob)

Get Aligned with the Light

Green, J Timothy - PhD

The Near-Death Experience as One of a Variety of Ecstatic Experiences: The Implications for the Field of Near-Death Studies

Holden, Janice - EdD

Facilitating Integration of NDEs and Other Transpersonal Experiences through an Exceptional Human Experiences Autobiography

Kondaveti, Newton - MD

The Role of Guided Meditation and Integration of NDEs

Long, Jeff - MD

NDEs: Evidence of the Afterlife

Long, Jody - JD

The Miracle of Love - Soulmates

Macartney, Jim - PhD

NDE: Key To Untangling Scientific Paradox

Mays, Robert - BSc / Mays, Suzanne

The Mystery of Physical Interactions in NDEs and their Implications for Consciousness

McGill, Maureen - MA / Davis, Nola - NHA

Live from the Other Side

Morse, Melvin - MD

Validating Non-Local Perception: Are NDEs “Real”?

Przybyla, Dena

Using Meridian Therapies to Integrate NDE Wisdom

Purcell, Denis - MSEE

Proposed Experiment to Detect One’s Consciousness when it is Outside the Body

Rominger, Ryan - PhD

Creative Spiritual Expression: Spiritual Guidance, Expressive Arts, and the Near-Death Experience

Sharp, Kimberly - MSW

Beyond the body but not over the line, experiential differences between NDEs and OBEs

Swanson, Claude - PhD

What Near-Death Experiences Can Teach Science About Higher Dimensions of Consciousness

Swedrock, Chuck

Embrace the Mystery



Poster Presentations


Brooker Kaczor, Desiree

NDEs: Challenging science to expand the understanding of consciousness

Kehde. Karl

How to use NDE Consciousness to get new and better ideas that heal ourselves and our relationships, and upgrade our organizations (i.e. IANDS)